When Parameterizing Queries Won’t Help SQL Server Performance


There are many good reasons to parameterize queries.

There are, of course, downsides, too. Parameter sensitivity, AKA parameter sniffing, being the prime one.

But let’s say you consult the internet, or find a consultant on the internet, and they tell you that you ought to parameterize your queries.

It all sounds like a grand idea — you’ll get better plan reuse, and hopefully the plan cache will stop clearing itself out like a drunken ourobouros.

You could even use a setting called forced parameterization, which doesn’t always work.

Apart from the normal rules about when parameteriztion, forced or not, may not work, there’s another situation that can make things difficult.

Client Per Thing

Let’s assume for a second that you have a client-per-database, or client-per-schema model.

If I execute parameterized code like this:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS records
FROM dbo.Users AS u
WHERE u.Reputation = @ii

EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql, N'@ii INT', @ii = @i;

But from different database contexts (I have a few different versions of StackOverflow on my server, but I’m going to show results from 2013 and 2010), we’ll get separate cached plans, despite them having identical:

  • Costs
  • Query Plans
  • SQL Handles
  • Query Hashes
SQL Server Plan Cache Query Results
Frida Fredo

The same thing would happen with any parameterized code executed in a different context — stored procedures, functions… well. You get the idea.

Forced parameterization may help queries within the same context with plan reuse, but there are certain boundaries they won’t cross.

Don’t get me wrong, here. I’m not complaining. There’s so much that could be different, I wouldn’t want plan reuse across these boundaries. Heck, I may even separate stuff specifically to get different plans. As usual, I don’t want you, dear reader, to be surprised by this behavior.

Thanks for reading!

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