New Query Transformation Rules In SQL Server 2022

Brand New

Here are new lines from the query transformation stats view in SQL Server 2022:

|              name              |
| BuildDataExportPut             |
| BuildRemotePut                 |
| EnforceDistribution            |
| FetchXcs                       |
| GetToFetchXcs                  |
| ImplementDistribution          |
| ImplementGlobalSequenceProject |
| ImplementLocalSequenceProject  |
| LASJIsNullToDist               |
| LSJIsNullToDist                |
| MatchGbJoin                    |
| MatchGbNAryJoin                |
| PushImpliedIsNotNull           |
| RemoveSubqInCube               |
| RemoveSubqInRollup             |
| RemoveSubqInTFP                |
| SelectToFilteredExternalGet    |
| SelGetToFetchXcs               |
| SelInToJoinGb                  |

Thanks for reading!

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